Archaeological Course

Archaeological Course

The archaeological course of the German Protestant Institute has been established in 1903 by the first director of the GPIA Gustaf Dalman. It serves as an introduction to the methods and the results of archaeology as well as the history of the Holy Land and the Levant.

The course is primarily addressed to young scholars in the area of Theology, furthermore to graduates trained in Theology, Archaeology or generally Classics. For this the German Evangelical Church awards yearly up to six scholarships, which cover most of the fees. The Programme of the archaeological courses 2015-17 can be downloaded here.

The course consists of various modules, which can be chosen optionally. They deal with yearly changing topics:

  • Module 1: four-day seminar in Berlin or Wuppertal (mandatory)
  • Module 2: two-week excavation on the Tall Zira’a in Jordan (since 2004 a cooperation with the Biblical-Archaeological Institute Wuppertal)
  • Module 3: two-week journey through the Holy Land with a thematic focus
  • Module 4: four-week journey through the Near East (visit of excavation sites, museums, acquaintance with landscapes)

Under the guidance of the GPIA’s director and the collaboration of professional contributors as well as through the visit of different institutions (parishes, embassies, foundations, universities etc.) there will be also an insight provided into the modern societies of these countries.

A list of all former supervisors and scholarship holders from 1903 to 2018 can be downloaded here.

Lehrkurs auf dem Tall Zira'a


Guidelines for Participation on the Archaeological Course

The archaeological course is directed at theologians, archaeologists and students of related disciplines as well as ministers with deeper knowledge and/or an academic background.

Applicants must turn in the following documents:

– a short cover letter, addressed to the GPIA

– a CV

– a recommendation letter from a university lecturer or church representative

– an explanation, why you would like to participate in the course

– a declaration, that you would accept a scholarship, if you are chosen

Candidates can apply for two or more modules. The introduction course in Germany is mandatory. The minimum duration is four weeks in total and will be concluded with a certificate. Deadline for applications is 15. October of each year.

You can find more information here.

For questions regarding the course, please contact:

Professor Dr. Dr. Dr. h. c. Dieter Vieweger, E-Mail:


Dr. Katharina Schmidt, E-Mail:

Applicants should send the documents to:

Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland
Deutsches Evangelisches Institut für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes
Herrenhäuser Straße 12
D-30419 Hannover

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