Volume 4, No. 1&2
Occident & Orient Volume 4, No. 1 & 2, December 1999 online
German Archaeology in Jordan Beyond 2000.
By: Hans-Dieter Bienert, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology (Amman)
Gadara-Umm Qais: Studies on the Urbanization process, including a New Chronology for the Major Public Building at the Ancient Decapolis City.
By: Wolfgang Thiel, Institute of Archaeology, University of Cologne (Germany)
A Radiometric Examination of Plastered Skulls from Jericho and Tell Ramad.
By: Michele Bonogofsky, University of California, Berkeley (USA).
Museum Without Frontiers: Islamic Art in the Mediterranean.
By: Lubna Hashem, Jordanian Department of Antiquities, Amman (Jordan) and Fawzi Zayadine, Jordanian Department of Antiquities, Amman (Jordan)
The Discovery of a Church East of the Jordan River.
By: Dr. Mohammad Waheeb, Jordanian Department of Antiquities, Amman (Jordan), Yara Doleh, Jordanian Department of Antiquities, Amman (Jordan)
“Men of Dikes and Canals” – An International Symposium on the Archaeology of Water in the Middle East.
By: Dieter Vieweger, Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal (Germany)
Archaeological Survey of the Khanasiri Region / Northern Jordan, Preliminary Results.
By: Karin Bartl, German Institute of Archaeology – Orient Section, Berlin / Free University Berlin (Germany), Ricardo Eichmann, German Institute of Archaeology – Orient Section, Berlin (Germany) and Fawwaz al-Khraysheh, Yarmouk University, Irbid (Jordan)
Palaeoenvironmental and Archaeological Studies in the Khanasiri Region: Preliminary Results of the Archaeological Investigation of Tell Khanasiri.
By: Susanne Kerner, German Institute of Archaeology – Orient Section, Berlin / Free University Berlin (Germany), Fawwaz al-Khraysheh, Yarmouk University, Irbid (Jordan) and Ricardo Eichmann, German Institute of Archaeology – Orient Section, Berlin (Germany)
Ghwair I, An Exceptionally Well Preserved Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Community in Wadi Feinan.
By: Alan Simmons, Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada at Las Vegas (USA) and Mohammad Najjar, Jordanian Department of Antiquities, Amman (Jordan)
Lost Paths of Edom: Climbing Towards an Edomite “Eagle Nest”.
By: Hans-Dieter Bienert, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Amman, Amman (Jordan) and Jens Eichner, Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal (Germany).
Following in the Footsteps of the Nabataeans: The First International Conference on Nabataean Research Studies.
By: The Petra Regional Council, Wadi Musa (Jordan)
Scanty Remains of Classical Temple-Townsite Accessible Again el-Kabu
By: Rami G. Khouri, Al Kutba Publishers, Amman (Jordan)
Report on the 1998 Excavations by the Madaba Plains Project: Tell al-‘Umayri and Tell Hisban.
By: Douglas R. Clark, Walla Walla College (USA), Larry G. Herr, Canadian University College (Canada), Øystein S. LaBianca, Andrews University (USA) and Lawrence T. Geraty, LaSierra University (USA)
Iraq al-Amir: New Research.
By: Jean-Pierre Braun, IFAPO-Amman Branch
The Petra North Ridge Project.
By: Patricia M. Bikai, American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR), Amman (Jordan) and Megan Perry, American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR), Amman (Jordan)
Church of Saint Elijah discovered at Tell Mar Elias
By: Rami G. Khouri (text and photos), Al Kutba Publishers, Amman (Jordan)
Neolithic and Chalcolithic Archaeology in Wadi Ziqlab, Northern Jordan
By: E. B. Banning, University of Toronto (Canada)
The Decumanus in Gadara: New Archaeological Discoveries.
By: Hans-Dieter Bienert, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Amman (Jordan) and Claudia Bührig, Technical University of Cottbus (Germany)
Late Neolithic Esh-Shallaf 1999: Second Campaign of Excavations.
By: Katrin Bastert, Dresden (Germany), Hans-Dieter Bienert, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Amman (Jordan), and Dieter Vieweger, Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal (Germany)
The 7th International Symposium on Historical Geography in Antiquity.
By: Jochen Mayer, Institute of History, University of Stuttgart (Germany)
Keep up with New Discoveries in Jordanian Archaeology via Weekly E-mail Articles from Amman.
Al-Kutba, Publishers (Amman)
Words of Appreciation and Welcome to Dr. Ghazi Bisheh and Dr. Fawwaz Khraysheh.
Visit of German Church Leaders to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
The New Pella Bronze Age Temple: The Largest ‘Migdol’ Ever Found.
By: Stephen Bourke, Sydney University (Australia)
Searching for Medieval Hormuz: The Lost Crusader Fortress of Petra.
By: Manfred Lindner, Naturhistorische Gesellschaft Nürnberg (Germany)
Ba’ja – The Archaeology of a Landscape: 9000 Years of Human Occupation.
By: Hans-Dieter Bienert, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Amman (Jordan), Roland Lamprichs, Dresden (Germany), and Dieter Vieweger, Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal (Germany)
Urban Archaeology in the Highlands of Central Jordan: The Tell Madaba Excavations, 1998-99 Seasons.
By: Timothy P. Harrison, Department of Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto (Canada).
Contact and Change in the Near East: Studies in Ancient Economy and Infrastructure at the Department of Special Projects in the Humanities (University of Mainz / Germany)
By: Theodor Kissel, Sonderforschungsbereich 295, Mainz (Germany), Jeorjios M. Beyer, Sonderforschungsbereich 295, Mainz (Germany)
Ba’ja V: A Newly Discovered Neolithic Site in the Ba’ja Region.
By: Dieter Vieweger, Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal (Germany), Hans-Dieter Bienert, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Amman (Jordan), and Roland Lamprichs, Dresden (Germany)